This is a centralised hub where we set out and publish the initiatives we have taken to advance the interests of our valued members and the sport of volleyball in Queensland.

We are committed to building a strong foundation and to work tirelessly to push boundaries, foster inclusivity and ensure the interests of our members are heard.

Purpose: This Advocacy Hub serves as a public record and transparent repository of our club's efforts to advocate for and secure the interests of our members, and advance the sport of volleyball in Queensland.

Our Advocacy


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club becomes affiliated with Volleyball Queensland in 2023.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club secures the ongoing hiring of volleyball courts at Mt Warren Park Sports Centre


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club secures $2,500 in approved funding from the Queensland Government through the Active Clubs Program.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club secures $5,000 in additional funding from Creadaptic.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club becomes a FairPlay Activity Provider.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club makes a submission to Volleyball Queensland regarding the 2024 Draft of the Premier Volleyball League Competition Regulations.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club secures $7,500 in approved funding from the Queensland Government through the Active Women and Girls Program.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club becomes affiliated with Volleyball Queensland in 2024.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club donates to 5 different charities through the CVC Outreach Program every month.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club uploads fortnightly informative and insightful articles.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club launches CVC Foundation, CVC Outreach, CVC Protect, CVC Assist and CVC Talent.


  • Creadaptic Volleyball Club records every game in high quality which is uploaded on Youtube.

more information.

While we strive for transparency in all aspects of our operations, certain information may be excluded or redacted to protect sensitive or confidential information, adhere to legal requirements or respect the privacy of individuals. The decision to exclude or redact specific details are made to ensure the responsible sharing of information while balancing the need for privacy, security and compliance with applicable laws.